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Virtual Reality Game




  1. Safety - in terms of time worn without causing undue discomfort through controlled feedback intensity.

  2. Prototype weight - in kilograms.

  3. Power Usage  - in Watts.

  4. Realism and authenticity - based on sensory feedback from the user’s experience.

  5. Scalable - based on the number of different applications the prototype can handle

  6. Usability - in terms of how easy and intuitive users find the prototype.

  7. Compatibility - with several different VR platforms including open-source VR.

  8. Cost effectiveness - in dollars saved.



  1. Budget per product should be less than $500 (just for prototype and consumer product). 

  2. Out-of-pocket development expenses should not exceed $50 per team member.

  3. The software size should not exceed 10 GB.  

  4. The dimensions of the prototype should not significantly limit movement.

  5. The weight of a single product should be less than 1 kg.

  6. Customize the degree of feedback intensity that users experience.

  7. The system should have low latency that is less than or equal to 200 ms.



  1. Battery life must be greater than ten minutes. 

  2. Multiple safety measures in place.

    • Weakest Link for motor

    • Motor has 180° rotation

    • Fuse for high current

    • Wires with gauges large enough to support the current

    • Recalibration button

  3. A sandbox should be developed to show off features.

  4. Should be able to track progress of user in terms of time spent in minutes 

  5. Should receive research-based feedback to measure how immersive the solution is; this can also be done by measuring the outcomes of the solution

  6. In the project timeline, there must be a working prototype by the end of Feb 2024.

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