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  • Writer's pictureTanish Shah

Electrical Ensemble: Assembly and Prototyping

Updated: Mar 10

After testing each of the electrical components individually, it was time to start assembling the prototype. This included connecting the electrical system together, connecting it to the glove and other mechanical components, as well as interfacing with software system.

The first step was to assemble the perf boards that would be mounted on top of the battery holder. Initially, two smaller boards were selected rather than a larger one due to part availability, however, a larger board was discovered so the second revision will use that one instead. On the perf board, headers were soldered on to allow for the various components to be mounted.

Once the headers were mounted, connections were made to allow for the various components to be mounted and tested. For example, a 3V3 and ground grail was created to allow for easy access to these connections.

Next, the various components were connected and tested using a program that contained the code needed to interface with all of the components at the same time. Initially, only the flex sensors and haptics were tested, but the peltier will be tested in the near future.

Once the connections are made, the prototype will be fully mounted to the battery harness and tested with the game developed.


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