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  • Writer's pictureTanish Shah

Super Signals: Observing Outputs

Updated: Mar 24

In our latest software feature we added for the ability to view our signals:

  1. Output Signals: These are the commands that control different aspects of the device. For instance:

  • Peltier State: Is the peltier module heating up (hot), cooling down (cold), or turned off?

  • Haptic Motors: Are the haptic motors enabled or disabled?

  • Flex Sensors: What are the current readings from the flex sensors?

  1. Real-Time Graphs: The magic happens when we take these signals and plot them on a live graph. Imagine an oscilloscope, but for our glove. As the signals change, the graph updates in real time, providing an intuitive visual representation.

Why Live Signal Visualization Matters

  1. User Insight: Previously, understanding which features were active required wearing the device and relying solely on tactile feedback. With Live Signal Visualization, we can see whats happening without needing to wear the glove

  2. Debugging Made Easy: Also simplifies the debugging process since we don't need to connect to serial anymore


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