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  • Writer's pictureTanish Shah

Wifi Wonders: Wired No More

Updated: Mar 22

After encountering various issues with with communicating over serial communications, it was decided to try a method that removed wired connections. This would have benefits as it would improve mobility for users of the glove.

The initial proposed design is as follows:

  1. A middle server is set to run on a computer and holds a queue, simulating a message queue system

  2. The ESP32 will make GET requests and read from the message queue to enable various actuators like the peltier and haptic motors

  3. The VR headset will make POST requests to the server, enabling haptics when the slime enemies are destroyed and the peltier actuated based on which type of ball is used.

A demo can be seen below:

An improvement system is to remove the middle server and have the server running directly on the ESP32. This would reduce the time needed to make GET requests to a separate server and allows direct communication from the game to the MCU. This would reduce latency and remove the number of technical components in the project, simplifying the system.


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