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  • Writer's pictureArash Khazaie

Symposium Success: Prototype and Poster in Perspective

Updated: Apr 14

The symposium marked a significant milestone in our endeavor, providing us with the opportunity to showcase the culmination of our efforts. We are pleased to share a recap of the day's events, highlighting key moments and achievements.

Poster Presentation with Project Pitch Audio

During the Symposium, we presented our project through a comprehensive poster display. Accompanying the poster was an audio file featuring our project pitch, providing attendees with a detailed overview of our objectives, methodology, and key outcomes. This combination allowed us to effectively communicate the essence of our project to the audience.

Project PitchArash Khazaie

Gamified Occupational Augmented Therapy Symposium Poster

Group Photo with Prototype

Capturing a moment of achievement, we gathered for a group photo alongside our prototype. This snapshot serves as a tangible reminder of the collaborative effort and hard work invested by our team.

GOAT Team Photo

Prototype in Action Video

A pivotal aspect of our presentation was the demonstration video showcasing our prototype in action. The video provided a comprehensive overview, featuring the user's perspective in virtual reality, their interactions within the physical environment, and live signal graphs illustrating sensor inputs and outputs.

In closing, we express our sincere appreciation to all who attended and engaged with our presentation.


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