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Beginning our Journey

The first session for MTE481 was held today, providing our team with invaluable insights into the course requirements and an enhanced understanding of approaching the Fourth Year Design Project (FYDP). The session encompassed an introduction to the teaching team, allocation of supervisors for each group, guidelines for meeting formats, strategies for success, and more. Engaging with the teaching team, we actively sought clarification by posing questions to solidify our comprehension of the project's processes.

Post-session, our team devoted several hours to comprehensive discussions encompassing various facets of the project. Our discourse commenced with an exploration of each member's interests and their envisioned contributions to the solution of the selected problem.

Subsequently, we delved into identifying potential problems for resolution. Drawing inspiration from industry projects like the cookie scooping project, we dissected the requisite constraints, specifications, and potential solution approaches. We critically evaluated our interest in undertaking such challenges and mirrored this approach while considering other problems suitable for resolution within the FYDP timeframe.

Following rigorous deliberations, we narrowed down our myriad ideas to a select few problems, crafting pertinent follow-up questions for the teaching team. These inquiries encompassed the methodology behind CSA inspections, formulation strategies for the identified problem, exploration of potential solutions, and other pertinent details crucial for further progress.


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