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Preparing for PDP

Weekly Meeting with Professors

This week, the team had their third meeting with the Professors, which marks the last meeting before the Midterm Presentation. Professor Betty remarked on key information for the presentation:

  • First to Present

  • Should address the problem outline (with survey of the problem/stakeholders)

  • Should define the Marketspace

  • Should outline Goals and Objectives

  • Should have Engineering Constraints (e.g. Hump's Law??)

  • Should review at least three patents related to field (as to not infringe on their space)

  • Should have a Timeline

  • Should have a Selection Matrix (of at least three concepts)

The actual requirements for the presentation were shortly posted after the meeting on Learn. See Learn for more accurate information.

Professor Bedi also spoke about certain topics that he thought would guide the team. He recently saw a Ted Talk about a phone screen being projected on the hand ( Both professors would like the team to narrow the scope, flip the script between the solution and the problem (VR and the field of rehab), and to define the problem better. The team should talk to patients and set up a policy to better the end-product, but due to time constraint, this is unnecessary. Finally, as a add-on, Professor Betty apparently has a whole family of medical professional and medical VR start-up experts, because one of his nephews has a startup for converting Football on TV into some-sort of feedback to the viewer; however, the details are unclear.

Weekly Meeting with the Team

Update on the team research:


- Balance and simulating gravity

- Walking (software-based)

- Physical Rehab (hands), struggling to bend their fingers, grasp object


- MS (multiple Sclerosis) scar tissue and affects the brain and spinal cord

- VR because the equipment would not be as heavy (no weights), not able to stretch the arms all the way

- Kinect

As an additional thought exercise, Sean spoke about Common Basketball Injuries and corresponding rehab exercises. Common injuries occur around the ACL, walking trims, and along the fingers (resistance bands for finger rehab).

General Discussion

Ben has a very clear/subliminal messaging around not tunneling on the VR gloves; he seems to prefer VR boots. Some arguments (which I did not note down in its entirety) include

(ok this next part is just random words) for boots, standing on nails, <insert_text>,...

To-Do List

NOTE: What Arash says he wants "finger tracking", he meant when the user inputs a grab in any way, that the response is the controlled and controller curl all fingers and send feeback to user (i.e. Finger Tracking = equivalent to mapping a button to full hand-curl).

  • Contact the Health/Kinesiology/Physicotherapy Department (students or profs) for more specific info

  • Continue to gather info for and apply for grants

  • Create a sandbox or small demonstrative game (in terms of next steps -> outline)

  • Narrow to physical injury rather than disease (research papers)

  • Contact Betty's people (send email for his brother-in-law (retired health professional), sister (startup person), and nephew (startup person))

The end goal of the next milestone is to find and source research papers to link VR to specific rehab/specific physical injuries and then back those findings with expert/person(s) advice.

- Contact Betty's people and the campus physiotherapy services.


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