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Following guidance from our meeting with the professors, we commenced compiling our research to prepare for the Preliminary Design Presentation (PDP). Tommy, after our discussion, consolidated our research findings and crafted a refined problem statement focusing on the reasons behind rehabilitation cessation and our intent to gamify rehab using immersive technologies to facilitate completion.

During the reading break, we meticulously assigned sections: Ben crafted the PowerPoint, Arash developed the timeline, Tommy handled the introduction and need statement, Tanish covered the patent search, and I outlined the design alternatives. We integrated our content into a cohesive script that complemented the slide deck.

Upon completing the script, we restructured the presentation order for efficiency: Ben managed the introduction and need statement, Tanish covered the goal, problem statement, and objectives, Tommy discussed the criteria and constraints, I presented the design alternatives, patent search, and decision matrix, and Arash outlined the timeline, team members, and references. This reshuffle aimed to ensure a smooth and concise presentation within our 10-minute time limit, followed by Q&A.

Before the presentation, we convened several hours early to rehearse, emphasizing presentation etiquette for a professional delivery. Memorizing our parts, we maintained the allotted time frame and simulated potential Q&A scenarios for better preparedness.

On the day of the presentation, our meticulous preparation paid off. Despite being the first to present, we adeptly delivered each segment efficiently within the time constraints. Our slides were visually appealing, and the Q&A segment proceeded smoothly. Overall, our PDP was successful owing to extensive practice and in-depth research, granting us a profound understanding of both the problem and solution domains.


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