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Refining the Problem

Our second meeting with the professors proved pivotal in defining our problem domain and establishing crucial deliverables for our upcoming discussions. Post-meeting, our team convened to review progress on VR immersion and deliberate on our intended problem focus within this domain.

Ben uncovered several capstone scholarships applicable to projects with medical implications or those aligned with a business plan. Meanwhile, Arash analyzed survey results from over ten respondents, revealing a unanimous dissatisfaction with VR controls due to their unintuitive nature. Respondents highlighted the need for lighter equipment, improved refresh rates, cost reduction, increased content, and measures to prevent motion sickness. Arash updated the survey with new inquiries, aiming to gather further responses.

Subsequently, we aimed to define our problem space, intending to enhance VR immersion through finger detection, force feedback, and haptics. After considering various applications like immersive gaming, martial arts training, and gamified rehabilitation, we recognized the potential for a medical application in VR immersion, which could bolster our case for capstone scholarships. Consequently, we decided to apply VR immersion in rehabilitation, merging gaming with rehabilitation exercises and medical training.

Further discussions centered on project scope. We opted to focus on gamifying rehab and proposed showcasing different features of VR immersion rather than building an entire game.

To guide our project, we compiled a preliminary list of objectives, criteria, requirements, and constraints (subject to updates):


  • Enhanced Immersion

  • Battery Life

  • User Safety

  • Adaptability

  • Cost (Project and prototype)


  • Weight

  • Power Usage

  • Realism and authenticity

  • Scalability

  • Usability/Intuitiveness

  • Compatibility (works with an open-access platform)

  • Cost-Effectiveness

  • Safety


  • Budget per glove

  • Technological limitations (software size)

  • Size and weight (absolute limitation)

  • Customization (user immersion adjustment)


  • Battery life

  • Size and weight (our suggested weight)

  • Safety Measures (should not harm user, no hot stuff, no pulling fingers, no damage of any sort)

  • Latency (high value; 1 -5 seconds)

  • Develop a sandbox to show each individual feature to implement

  • Research-based feedback for how immersive the solution is

  • Project Cost

  • Timeline: must have a working prototype by the end of Feb 2024

We identified resource requirements, including portable chargers, USB adapters, and the need to explore software, electrical, and mechanical components. We planned to consult Paul Groh for parts procurement from Digikey or McMaster Carr.

Lastly, we assigned specific duties to team members:

  • Everyone: Review project research links

  • Ben: Explore grants, compile grant requirements, research rehab applications

  • Arash: Explore mechanical scope, prototype list, mechanical component sourcing

  • Tanish: Update blog, explore electrical scope

  • Tommy: Contact Information, explore software scope, send schedule

  • Sean: Initiate the report, define problem, criteria, constraints, and requirements presentation for the next meeting, update blog, procure Arduino (preferably nano)

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