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Technical Introduction

Updated: Feb 17

During the initial week of the Final Design Project (FDP) presentations, our team submitted the requisite slides for the FDP. These slides comprehensively outlined the detailed design aspects of our project, encompassing both the system-level overview and a meticulous examination of its four sub-components. The system design diagram has been provided below for reference.

In terms of mechanical progress, significant strides were made towards developing a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model specifically tailored to the designated motor. This model was formulated based on meticulous calculations aligning with the project's precise requirements.

From the electrcial side, various circuits were designed and simulated to ensure that they worked as intended. An important aspect, was to amplify the current, as the peltier can draw a large amount of current.

Regarding software development, an initial demo was previously created and shared in a prior blog post. For the FDP, an updated and improved version of this software demonstration was prepared, showcasing the latest advancements and refinements made in the project's software component.


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